IN-B154 Blood Gas Machine Portable Blood Gas Analyser Blood Gas Syringe Blood Gas Analyzer Price

As a brand new POCT device specially designed for critical cares, IN-B154-1 is portable, easy to
use and performs flexible tests on a single disposable cartridge. IN-B154-1 brings new era of
blood gas and chemistry analysis, and it enables you to more quickly and effectively monitor
and manage your patients.
Small size and light weight with build-in rechargeable battery
3-step operation procedure to increase efficiency
Complete maintenance free
Standby at any time without reagent consumption
Auto sample aspiration and calibration to ensure accuracy and reliability
Seamless integration with LIS/HIS through wired and wireless networking
10,000 patient data storage and USB data transfer
Friendly user interface with color LCD touch screen and "traffic light" indicator
Build-in multimedia tutorials
Flexible tests combination on single cartridge
Long cartridge storage life at room temperature, ready to use at any time
Variety of test Cartridges
BG3: pH , pCO2 , pO2
BG8: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
BC4: Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
BG4: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Lac
BG9: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Hct
BG10: pH , pCO2 , pO2 Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Lac , Hct
Future menu in development
BUN/Urea &Creatinine
Coagulation test (ACT, APTT, PT)
Immunoassay panels
Calculated values:HCO3-act, HCO3-std, BE(ecf), BE(B), BB(B), ctCO2, sO2(est), Ca++(7.4), AnGap, tHb(est), pO2(A-a), pO2(a/A), RI, pO2/FIO2, cH+(T), pH(T), pCO2(T), pO2(T), pO2(A-a)(T), pO2(a/A)(T), RI(T), pO2(T)/FIO2, Ca++(7.4)
use and performs flexible tests on a single disposable cartridge. IN-B154-1 brings new era of
blood gas and chemistry analysis, and it enables you to more quickly and effectively monitor
and manage your patients.
Small size and light weight with build-in rechargeable battery
3-step operation procedure to increase efficiency
Complete maintenance free
Standby at any time without reagent consumption
Auto sample aspiration and calibration to ensure accuracy and reliability
Seamless integration with LIS/HIS through wired and wireless networking
10,000 patient data storage and USB data transfer
Friendly user interface with color LCD touch screen and "traffic light" indicator
Build-in multimedia tutorials
Flexible tests combination on single cartridge
Long cartridge storage life at room temperature, ready to use at any time
Variety of test Cartridges
BG3: pH , pCO2 , pO2
BG8: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
BC4: Na , K , Cl, Ca , Hct
BG4: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Lac
BG9: pH , pCO2 , pO2 , Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Hct
BG10: pH , pCO2 , pO2 Na , K , Cl, Ca, Glu, Lac , Hct
Future menu in development
BUN/Urea &Creatinine
Coagulation test (ACT, APTT, PT)
Immunoassay panels
Calculated values:HCO3-act, HCO3-std, BE(ecf), BE(B), BB(B), ctCO2, sO2(est), Ca++(7.4), AnGap, tHb(est), pO2(A-a), pO2(a/A), RI, pO2/FIO2, cH+(T), pH(T), pCO2(T), pO2(T), pO2(A-a)(T), pO2(a/A)(T), RI(T), pO2(T)/FIO2, Ca++(7.4)